在一個歡樂的周日崇拜後, 很開心見證我們朋友的洗禮. 他是一個沒有宗教背景的港大學生, 從兩年前開始來參加教會活動,當中最令他動容是神的愛浮現在基督徒間. 他希望把這份愛帶回他自己的家中,讓家人看見神的愛是讓人完全和信實.
What an amazing celebration after church this past Sunday as we witnessed an incredible baptism! This inspirational young man from the University of Hong Kong started his journey of seeking God 2 years ago! What really touched him was the love of Christ between the disciples in the church! He expressed his heartfelt gratitude for God’s unwavering patience in his life and confessed Jesus is Lord! We look forward to seeing what God will do in his life as well as for his family!
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